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Why can’t ABCs Learn Chinese (English to Chinese Mandarin) well?

Talking about learning Chinese overseas, just like talking about learning English in China, makes parents and children sigh. Many overseas Chinese parents actually worked very hard to teach their children Chinese (English to Chinese Mandarin) at an early age.

However, even with the continuous investment of time and energy, they don’t get the results they want.  Worse, it always runs the possibility of backfiring,  making children hate Chinese even more. Then why can’t ABCs learn Chinese (English to Chinese Mandarin) well?

Learn in Chinese school
Learn in Chinese School

1. Time

At the first, time is a big problem. Chinese children learn Chinese in China, and it is much easier to master Chinese characters by writing, practicing, and listening to them every day. s ABCs children in the United States only come to class once every Saturday. That means that the amount of immersion they receive is significantly lower.  The learning and language immersion time are only a few tenths or even one percent of that of domestic children. Furthermore, teachers are often unqualified. The expectation is as high as it was at home.

In order to solve this problem, many parents require their children to speak Chinese at home. From the point of view of listening and speaking, normal communication does not take extra time, which is worth advocating. But in reading and writing, in order to make up for children’s study time, parents let children spend a lot of time reading and writing Chinese every day.

At junior high school and senior high school, Children also have a heavy learning burden. In addition, most Chinese children still learn piano and dance. In the end, they can only tear down the East Wall to make up for the West Wall, squeezing their reading time, playing time, and necessary free activities time. This also makes children hate Chinese further.

2. Load Problem

Second, We can’t ignore the load problem. Chinese is just one of many extracurricular learning programs that parents force to theirs. As children who grew up in a relaxed environment like the United States, the problem of children being overloaded is alarming. This culture stems from some habits of Chinese communities.

In the United States, one of the places for socialization for Chinese people is the Chinese church. Another is a Chinese school. When the children are currently in Chinese school parents are in groups of three and five. Mother-in-law exchanges their houses and children with each other. Of course, good information is circulating, but so does competition. Chinese schools will eventually become concentration camps for tiger mothers. Many parents simply don’t realize their children’s strengths and weaknesses. Other children learn it. I quickly reported it myself. As a result, the more soldiers there are in Han Xin, the better, which leads to the humongous study burden of children, and even more serious than domestic problems.

In North America, we have built a bubble-like environment for Chinese communities. The bubble is exclusive and isolated from the rest of the world. This bubble has a great influence. When you go in, you may be Dr. Tsinghua, a postdoctoral fellow at Yale. When you come out, you are all the same, either a tiger mother or a wolf father.

3. The Choice of Teaching Material

Third, is the choice of teaching materials. In the United States, the reading materials are very rich and science-based.  Children can easily pick out the books that pique their interest. However, in Chinese schools, children suddenly feel like idiots when they see the boring and meaningless content of cats, dogs, and rabbits pulling radishes to the park in Chinese school textbooks. There is no challenge in content. Consequently, learners can’t pass the test in language.

Why can’t ABCs learn Chinese well? According to the analysis, there is no doubt about the Chinese children themselves, and parents and schools need to make improvements. As long as schools and parents retain their obsolete thinking pattern and remain oblivious of the existing problems, I believe that children will remain to blurt out: “I hate Chinese”. Unless the system implements substantial changes, this fact will still exist.

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