YCT Tutoring Courses

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This Chinese course is composed of four levels of written tests and two grades of oral tests, our Chinese teachers measure students’ Chinese proficiency, and then the teacher can choose a suitable textbook according to a student’s actual level and needs. Would you like to learn more about our courses? Please take a free trial lesson now!

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This standard course for Youth Chinese Test is divided into written tests and oral tests, which are composed of four levels of written tests and two grades of oral tests. And this Chinese course includes language functions, vocabulary lists and grammar structures of all the content mentioned above of YCT. The oral tests of YCT have two grades, namely, elementary and intermediate. YCT standard courses are designed to accommodate students’ actual levels and needs. Our Chinese teachers measure students’ Chinese proficiency, and then the teacher can choose a suitable textbook according to a student’s actual level and needs.


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60 lessons, 160 lessons, 270 lessons, 480 lessons


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