
Traditional Chinese Culture: To know about 大雪 (DàXuě)

To land comes the heavier snow, water in its most artistic form. Denser snowfall began to imbue the earth, and the temperature dropped lower once again. Snow rests upon every terrain present. It slowly eases itself in roads, park benches, trees, and rooftops, accumulating. Snow covers the rich, deep, and colorful world in perfect white. People start to wear winter clothes with perfect garments. 

Ready your shovels folks, the annual paving through the snow starts again. Major Snow 大雪 (DàXuě) begins. 

With the Minor Snow ending, Major snow enters. 大雪 (DàXuě) starts around December 7 each year and lasts until December 21. Major Snow means there will be heavier snowfalls and lower temperatures. Major Snow is a critical period for farmers. If the snow becomes very heavy, it indicates that there will be a bountiful harvest in the following year. 

大 (dà) big, great, vast, large, high

雪 (xuě) Third tone, snow

大雪 (xiǎoxuě) Major Snow, Heavy Snow

Kàn lái yào xià yì chǎng dà xuě le

看  来   要  下  一  场     大   雪 了。

It seems that we’ll have heavy snow.

Tiān zhèng xià zhe dà xuě

天   正      下    着 大 雪。

It is snowing heavily.

Dà xuě dǎo zhì jī chǎng guān bì le

大  雪   导 致  机 场     关     闭了。

Heavy snow caused the airport to be shut down.

Traditionally, the lunar calendar is a guide for agricultural affairs and farming activities. The 24 solar terms assist people with the nuances in the weather. With this, it guides people to adapt to the weather. After all, it reflects the changes in climate, natural phenomena, agricultural production, and other aspects of human life, including clothing, food, housing, and transportation. It also has an engaging application in language learning. Each solar term has its tradition and customs, which people practice. It is also proving to be an invaluable guide for language learners to learn the tradition of Chinese people.

For that reason, let us learn Chinese culture and tradition commonly practiced during Major Snow. In addition, We will also examine exciting and fun proverbs related to the 21st solar term!

  1. 1. Snowy Winter 白雪纷飞 Bái xuě fēn fēi

During Major Snow, the whole of China encounters heavy snowfall. However, the intensity might differ from region to region. For example, in North China, they experience the full brunt of Major Snow. The snowfall in that area may last for a whole day, submerging everything in a thick blanket of sleet. Snow fills roads, rendering them unusable for quite some time. Some trees break their branches for it can’t withstand the weight of the snow. People describe such scenery as “ice blockading for hundreds of miles and snow flying through thousands of miles.”

The locals have a compelling saying during such an event. “A timely snow promises a good harvest 瑞雪兆丰年 (ruì xuě zhào fēng nián).” As the snow fills up every terrain possible, it also kills the pest during the process. Most pests can’t survive low temperatures. Therefore, there will be no more pests during harvest time, allowing for a bountiful gleaning. 

  • 2. Eating Lamb 吃羊肉 Chī yáng ròu 

During Major Snow, lamb is the go-to food chosen by Chinese people. Eating lamb during Major Snow hits the spot. Lamb is an excellent food to counter the cold. Lamb is full of L-carnitine, which gives a thermic effect to the body. It keeps the body warm and satiated. In addition, it is excellent for nourishing the body and promoting blood circulation. 

  • 3. Making Sausages灌香肠   Guàn xiāngcháng

Another tradition during Major snow is creating sausages. After all, during this time, the air is cold and dry. That is perfect for preserving and drying meat. Traditionally, people made sausages out of a pig’s glutes. The meat in this part of the pig is tender and flavorful. They dry the sausage in a well-ventilated storage room, which takes a week to be ready.

During Major Snow, sausage making is an imperative aspect of the Spring festival. People are incredibly masterful when creating sausages. Especially Chinese people in South China, such as in Nanjing, Hangzhou, Hefei, and Chongqing

  • 4. Eating porridge 喝粥 Hēzhōu

Warm porridge could help increase the heat and nourish the body in cold weather. In China, traditionally, people eat red bean porridge on the first day of Winter Solstice to commemorate the day. Another important meal is the eight-treasure porridge on the eighth day of the last month of the lunar year.

Those are the traditions and customs that Chinese people practice during Major Snow. Now, let us examine the knowledge point of the 21st Solar term.


During Major Snow, it is drier and colder, do not forget to drink your water. However, you should not drink too much water at once. At the same time, don’t drink cold water after exercise.

Have a safe celebration during Major Snow! Till our next Solar term!

Would you like to know more about traditional Chinese culture, please check them below:

Minor Snow: Chinese Culture and traditions during 小雪 (Xiǎoxuě)

Traditional Chinese Culture: How well do you know 立冬 (Lìdōng)?

In-depth Overview About Chinese Frost’s Descent 霜降 (Shuāngjiàng)


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