
How Do You Say “Excuse me” in Chinese?

“Excuse me” is very useful in English, but does it have the same meaning in Mandarin Chinese? Actually, “excuse me” has different meanings in Chinese. How do you say “excuse me” in Chinese? Here are some expressions in Chinese.

excuse me in the Chinese language
excuse me in the Chinese language

1. You would like to make an interruption to others.

Lǐ xiān shēng zhèng zài kàn shū, nǐ fā xiàn tā de shēn fèn zhèng diào luò zài dì shàng le.


(Mr. Li is reading a book, and you found his ID card was lost on the floor.)

Nǐ: Dǎ rǎo yí xià, zhè shì nǐ de shēn fèn zhèng ma?

你: 打扰一下,这是你的身份证吗?

You: Excuse me, is this your ID card?

Lǐ xiān shēng: shì de, xiè xiè.


Mr. Li: Yes, thank you.

2. You want to make a request.

Bù hǎo yì sī, qǐng wèn xiàn zài jǐ diǎn le?


Excuse me, what time is it?

3. You would like to walk past someone, you will say:” Excuse me.”

Jiè guò yí xià. 


Excuse me.

4. When you sneeze or make a noise in public, you should say:” Excuse me.” to the people who surround you.

Nǐ zài tú shū guǎn lǐ miàn, dà jiā dōu zài kàn shū. Tū rán, nǐ dǎ le yí gè hěn dà shēng de pēn tì.


You are in a library, people are reading. And suddenly, you sneeze loudly.

Nǐ yīng gāi dī shēng shuō: “bào qiàn!”


You should whisper: “Excuse me.”

Above are four ways to say “excuse me” in Chinese, do you master them now?

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